The Tampere Tramway era begins with test runs – Make sure you understand the traffic rules!

The Tampere Tramway era begins with test runs – Make sure you understand the traffic rules!

Test runs on Tampere’s new tramway track began with a test car in mid-March 2020 and will continue with the very first Tampere Tramway car in early July. The tram car is a completely new vehicle in Tampere traffic. In order to make moving around smooth and safe for everyone, it’s a good idea for everyone to review the traffic rules and stay alert. The Tampere Tramway website contains plenty of information about traffic safety in the Tramway city. You can also download traffic safety materials for your personal use.

Photo: Wille Nyyssönen, Tramway Alliance

The traffic safety section of Tampere Tramway’s website will be updated whenever new tramway areas are commissioned or new traffic safety materials are produced. For example, this section includes information about the test run area, traffic arrangement diagrams, Tramway city traffic rules, videos to illustrate the traffic rules, traffic safety materials for schools and daycare centres, and information about the test car.

Let’s stay alert in traffic!

Tampere Tramway’s traffic safety pages >

Traffic safety