Tampere Tramway Ltd, NRC Finland Oy and YIT Suomi Oy signed an alliance agreement for Tampere Tramway maintenance

Tampere Tramway Ltd, NRC Finland Oy and YIT Suomi Oy signed an alliance agreement for Tampere Tramway maintenance

Tampere Tramway Ltd, NRC Finland Oy and YIT Suomi Oy signed a maintenance alliance agreement concerning Tampere Tramway on 12 February 2019. This is an option to the alliance agreement for construction.


Vice President, Construction Jouni Kekäle, NRC Finland Ltd, CEO Pekka Sirviö, Tampere Tramway Ltd and Senior Vice President Jarkko Salmenoja, YIT.

The period of the maintenance alliance agreement is 12 February 2019–31 May 2029, which is divided into a development phase lasting until the end of May 2022 and followed by two-year maintenance periods to be ordered separately.

– We’re very happy to continue our collaboration with familiar service providers and implement this unique alliance agreement for tramway maintenance, says CEO Pekka Sirviö from Tampere Tramway Ltd.

The target budget for the agreement is approximately 21.8 million euros, with the development phase accounting for some 4.6 million euros. Both NRC Finland Oy and YIT Suomi Oy have a 50% share of the agreement.

– This agreement is an excellent continuation of the alliance agreement covering design and construction services and it expands our services to all areas of the tramway life cycle. The agreement also gives us an outstanding reference for similar sites in other Nordic countries,” states NRC Finland Oy’s Chief Operating Officer Jouni Kekäle.

– The alliance agreement for tramway maintenance is unique in Finland. It’s really great to be a pioneer in this area. The procurement period is also long, so it will extend over changing economic situations, says Antti Korhonen, Vice President at YIT.

The purpose of the maintenance alliance is to handle maintenance during the construction and commercial trial traffic stages of section 1 (City Centre-Hervanta-Tampere University Hospital) and after tramline traffic begins in 2021. If a construction decision is made for section 2 (City Centre-Lentävänniemi), it will be included in the agreement according to the same principles. In addition to normal tramway maintenance, the agreement includes winter maintenance for the tramway, maintenance of the power supply stations and depot yard areas and on-call maintenance activities.

In accordance with the fundamental idea of an alliance model, the parties commit to the target and also to share all risks and benefits of the operations. A key part of this is continuous monitoring of impacts, customer-oriented development of service production, and open sharing of information among all parties.

The maintenance organisation will be created during the development phase

The development phase of the maintenance alliance begins when the agreement is signed and ends when the first maintenance period begins or on 31 May 2022 at the latest. The development phase will involve creating the maintenance organisation and compiling a project plan for the first maintenance period.

The binding objective cost, key results areas and indicators for them will also be specified during the development phase. The maintenance levels and interfaces with different stakeholders will be determined in the development phase and a maintenance reporting system will be acquired. Other tasks during the development phase include safety and training plans, specification of the cost structure and planning of the management system and communications.

The development phase will continue for about one year after traffic begins in 2021 in order to obtain all necessary information about the impacts of traffic prior to implementing the separately ordered maintenance periods. The duration of each maintenance period will be a maximum of two years.

During 2019, the Maintenance Alliance will handle maintenance of structures already handed over to the client and perform the necessary winter maintenance tests, such as ploughing of mixed traffic lanes and stops. Maintenance activities will expand when the first tram car arrives in 2020, because test runs with the car and infrastructure will begin on the completed tramway sections.

The required maintenance equipment will be purchased according to a procurement plan compiled during the development phase. The equipment will be primarily be purchased by Tampere Tramway Ltd.  


Additional information:
Pekka Sirviö

Tampere Tramway Ltd.
tel. +358 (0)40 334 5798
pekka.sirvio (at) tampereenraitiotie.fi

Markus Keisala
Head of Track

Tampere Tramway Ltd.
tel. +358 (0)4040 334 7824
markus.keisala (at) tampereenraitiotie.fi